Have you ever found yourself starting out working on a project, full force & full of determination…. All of the sudden, you realize you aren’t working on that project anymore. You actually now have 3 – 4 projects going on. Some may call this productive, but ultimately, this can lead to stress and low quality work.
Because I believe Our Lives Are Made Up Of How We Spend Our Days, too many days not highly focused on the tasks, projects & goals that need to be done, can keep you from going to the next level.
Believe it or not, this is not a productivity methodology blog post, this is actually something different that has helped keep me and my business on track. What I am talking about is a secret list of questions hardly anyone is asking themselves. Questions that will kick your butt into gear and keep it there.
We are just about to hit a new year where you will be faced with implementing your goals or letting them slide on by like previous years. I don’t want your coming year to be like past years, I want them to be better than ever! We have to Break The Mold and say enough is enough! And it starts with this secret list I have never told anyone about. If I hadn’t gone over this list, it would have been VERY easy to get caught up in opportunities, projects and so on that would not lead down the road to the results I am looking for.
Let me share with you some of the questions that I sat down (with a mocha) and asked myself on a weekly basis…
1. What was my greatest accomplishment last week?
2. What did I not accomplish that I wanted to? & Why?
3. What is the #1 thing I need to accomplish this coming week?
4. What can I do right now to make this week less stressful?
5. Am I carrying any baggage or stress from last week into this week?
6. What can I do right now to prevent bad stuff from last week to carry on into this week?
7. What am I avoiding that needs to get done?
8. What opportunities are still on the table?
9. Is there anyone I’ve been meaning to talk to?
10. Is there anyone that deserves a big “thank you”?
11. How can I help someone else this coming week?
12. What am I looking forward to in the upcoming week?
13. What am I most thankful for this week?
14. What obstacles got in the way from me generating more income?
15. What do I need to do to destroy those obstacles?
16. What can I do this week to add massive value to my tribe?
17. Do I still enjoy doing what I do?
18. Are there areas in my business that needs to go “bye bye”?
19. Am I on track for completing my long-term goals?
20. If I died next week, how would I live this week?
These might sound simple, but I bet the majority don’t ask themselves these kinds of questions. If you commit to asking yourself these questions each week, you will see a difference in how and what you do the following week.
Be the one that will do the things the majority won’t do. Break The Mold so you can Rule Your Realm in the coming year!
If you would like my Yearly Review PDF full of other questions to get you ready for the new year, then sign up below and I will send it to you asap!
Let’s make it a great year!
7 comments. Leave new
Very helpful and timely list of questions to ask. Cal Newport has a related approach using a project list. When you have identified a brief list of projects that have the highest impact, you commit to completing them and do not begin another until you have done so.
For those of us who chase shiny objects for our daily fix of dopamine, it takes some serious “white-knuckling”, but it is astonishing to look back a few months later to see how far you have travelled.
Thanks for your comment Dan!
I am familiar with Cal Newport’s approach, I have found it to be affective, but not always realistic depending on the business model. Sometimes stuff comes up that we have to do. But I do like committing to something until it’s done, for sure!
And you are right, for those chasing shiny objects, it can be hard to stay focused. I think it really comes down to finding the right method for the individual to make things happen. And training yourself to stay focused. It’s not always easy, but it is worth it!
Have you found a certain method to work for you stay productive Dan? Would to love hear about it!
Awesome questions! These really do put things into perspective. Now it comes down to asking this on a regular basis!
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