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Branding Questionnaire
Branding Questionnaire
Current Website
What are you wanting to acheive with your website?
Example: Offer value, give accurate information, lead gen, etc
What is the purpose of your business?
Do your feel like there could be more of a purpose that what is currently being experienced?
What makes you unique from your competitors?
What is your tagline and/or brand message?
What are you wanting to express to people that come to your site?
Who is your target audience?
What are your brand’s core values?
Example: Integrity, impact, energy, trust, value, protection, etc.
Does your brand have a promise?
Like a promised outcome of working for you?
Is there anything your brand stands for or stands against? If so, what?
What do you want your brand to be known for?
Are there websites you really like the look and feel of? If so, please list below.
Are your social media profiles and website all expressing the same message?
How important is it to you that your team all stands behind your brand and is all expressing the same thing to your clients?
Can you explain your current logo? What does it mean? Why did you go with it?
Do you currently use a brand guide to ensure everything stays consistent to your message, fonts and colors?